
You have stumbled into the blog of a Snowflake, Tableau and Big Data Enthusiast.  This blog will cover tips, tricks, learnings and other material from my day to day experiences working with some of the largest customers, partners and data enthusiasts around the globe.  These are my own experiences, opinions and thoughts, and in no way reflect the interests or direction of Tableau or Snowflake.  In other words, this one is on me!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigdatadave1

Snowflake: Dynamic IN() Clause & Session Variables

Have you ever needed to program a dynamic IN() clause in Snowflake and found the process daunting in SQL? It’s fairly easy in JavaScript stored procedures, but it can be daunting in the SQL editor. I found myself needing to write and understand dynamic in lists to populate custom sql clauses from Sigma this week.…

Snowflake: Most or Least Privileged Access

I was attending a conference session last week, led by the great Kent Graziano, and a question came from the audience that I had never heard before. “If I assume secondary roles, does snowflake grant most or least privileged access?”. To my surprise, I was called upon by the host to answer this question from…

Snowflake & Count: A New SQL Notebook Experience for the Analyst

This almost needs to go unstated, but I write several SQL statements every day in Snowflake. The native Snowflake worksheet experience feels like a reskinning of HUE and does the task just fine. The Snowsight skinning of Numeracy is a superior analytical experience, especially for dashboarding and sharing SQL with my team working in my…

Snowflake: Hybrid Relational JSON Tables

Have you ever had a new field or field rename break your ETL pipelines to the Data Warehouse and ultimately your consumers of data? If you have done any data project, ever, the answer is undoubtedly “yes”. To solve this ages old problem with data the confluence of some tenants of Hadoop’s Schema-On-Read and Snowflake’s…

Tableau & Snowflake: COVID-19 by County Quadrants & Maps fixing Utah Counties

Last week I published a blog article showcasing how to create a COVID-19 quadrant scatter plot by county and turn the quadrants into a map by county https://bigdatadave.com/2020/11/22/tableau-snowflake-covid-19-by-county-quadrants-maps/. As you can see I had a problem with the big hole in Utah. “Utah is reporting county data somewhat differently than many other states. The larger-population…

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